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If ever the woman in your heart
Compares you to a dinner dish
Make sure you’re everything on the plate,
Else your relationship is less than you wish
At minimum the main dish
Should be to what you are compared ;
Like the meat–be it beef, chicken, or fish;
Else your relationship is less than you wish.
Be not compared to a dish on the side,
Nor corn, nor salad, nor veggies:
Yes, you must be only the main dish,
Else your relationship is less than you wish.
And if compared to mashed potatoes,
Then forever you will know,
It’s not with you she wants to spend her time.
You’re just the filler when she’s alone.
A big lump of mashed potatoes
Never really can make it to be
The number one joy in any feast.
Potatoes are just a side, you see.
J. Abram Barneck.
Copyright © 2004 by Rhyous, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revised:04 Apr 2004 15:15:12 -0600.