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A burning loss that hunts emotions down
Invades the heart, corrupts the passing mind,
Destroys the grin and leaves a bitter frown
That still remains despite all passing time.

My mind cannot evade the thoughts that pass
Of times when love was real and strong and true,
With hope that seemed it would forever last;
A hope that held my shattered heart to you.

But still I linger, longing for the touch
Of our embrace that never wished for death;
The sense of lustful lips; it hurts so much
To hope once more my skin will feel your breath.

     I shan’t refuse my heart’s desire to feel,
     Oh, Emily, Emily! Yes, I miss you still!

J. Abram Barneck.
Copyright © 2003 by Rhyous, LLC. All rights reserved.
Revised: 08 Dec 2003 16:56:46 -0700.