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They don’t belong to me
But those eyes are mine,

When I see them glance my way,
Reality resigns,

Framed in whiteness, staring
I see the mossy stone,

I thank her for her eyes
Giv’n to me and me alone,

So always I can see,
The color of mossy stone.

They don’t belong to me,
But those eyes are mine,

When I see them glance my way,
Reality resigns,

Framed in whiteness, staring…
I see the mossy stone,

I thank her for her eyes,
Giv’n to me and me alone,

Forever they reflect,
Confine me in their site

To warm me in the cold,
Provide comfort in the night

She controls my every look,
I can never be alone

For I can always see,
The color of mossy stone.

J. Abram Barneck.

Copyright © 2002 by Rhyous, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Revised: 13 Nov 2003 15:01:22 -0700.