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The moment I come home she wants me near
My arms free warmth, they comfort all her fears

But does she want me near for her own heart?
Is it for her alone she wants my arms?

She modified her life to share with me,
And sacrifices time to fill my needs

Are they my needs or hers she tries to fill?
Is it for me or her the time she steals?

Her attitude is strictly for her own
Her bitter moods escape in voiceless tones

In selfish somber, heart and hop dissolve
Unhappiness that selfless thoughts resolve

To wear her dress so red’s a simple chore.
An effort made for me; I love her more.

J. Abram Barneck.
Copyright © 2003 by Rhyous, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Revised: 13 Nov 2003 15:01:22 -0700 .